
Monday, May 23, 2011

material plastik

Eh, yooouuu! tau tak nanti Apple nak release Iphone 5 pulak akhir tahun nie? I nak tukarlah, Iphone 4 nie dah ramai yang pakai la." tanya Lisa pada Mira sambil gigih bermain Angry Bird dalam Iphone 4 putih yang disalut dengan berlian blingblingnya.

I taula, tapi sekarang kan glemer lagik kalau pakai Samsung Galaxy series? Stylo lah babe. You nie kan
tak up-to-date langsung la." kata Mira sambil mencebik bibirnya yang ala Kilafairy. Taknak mengaku kalah dengan Lisa, dia mengeluarkan Samsung Arc yang baru dibelinya semalam.

Hi materialistic girlsssss,

Pernah tak berjumpa or terlibat dengan situasi di atas? Maybe not including that gadget but something else perhaps.  But girlsssssssss as I know mana boleh orang lain lebih dari dia kann? Kalau boleh nak dia je paling ngetopps ,paling retiss. However, sweethearts ;

Have you ever thought that life is so unfair, that life sucks, that u are “poor”?

And there is other girls that is so sty-lo with their blingbling jewellery, LV beg, Gucci watch and Jimmy Choo pumps? The increasing jealousy can turned into hatred as you can't get what they have just because you don't have the branded things this hot stuff girl have. Some girls, willing to do anything just to be in the same level or be treated like a princess in their life circle. Pointnya, aku rasa girls sekarang sudah terlalu mewah. Nak apa je dapat, and aku rasa parents prefer bagi apa saja dekat anak perempuan dia. Laptop, branded hp or designer clothes.  Mungkin based on girl's performance in studies or their *konon-konon baik punya perangai depan mak bapak.

 Tapi, aku bet ramai yang tak pernah rasa puas hati. Kalau boleh semua yang latest dia nak. Ipad keluar dia nak then keluar pulak Ipad 2 nak jugak. Kiranya dia soranglah yang up-to-date. Girls, your mind keep telling you that you are poor as you can't get what you want. It is just because your parents won't let you have these and that although they can afford it. Don't be so immature and selfish girls. Your parents may have something more important to do with the fulus than give it to you as your shopping expenses. And you happily shopping online, choosing shawls, skirts, make up and etc. Morever, as years passed by the trends change. Trend of the teens nowadays is DSLR, Iphone 4 or Samsung tab. New clothes from Adidas, handbags from Guess or perfume from Ralph Lauren is hard to get. Far from your reach. Or you can't get more pocket money to buy unnecessary things.

If the answer to that question is yes,

I know you have and you know you have, don’t lie or being a LIAR. I know you, I once a teenager and ALWAYS a teenager. *fyi aku tak makan tua okeeee?*

BUT the thing is those are not true right? Kau cuma tipu diri sendiri. Like kau mengeluh kau takde dress nak pegi dinner padahal berlambak gaun malam dalam closet. Saja nak beli baru yang lebih up trend kiranya kau yang paling meletopp malam tu nanti and boleh dinobatkan sebagai Queen of the Night.

Hey sayang ! Meh aku nak bagitau ; your life is not unfair and it doesn’t suck so much like what you think and imagine because you have Maggi, Chipsmore, Cornetto and you have clothes, a tones of them although it is bundle malii, you are not “poor” if you don't get the branded things. No. You can be considered rich compared to half of the people on Earth.

Please be thankful with what you have girls. Feels blessed as you have parents, although they doesn't always with you.Sebab parents kita sibuk bekerja nak cari makan, support studies kita and give us anything we need not everything we want.

Plus, as Mr. K said ; respect your parents , they pay for the internet.

Be thankful as your parents is there at rumah manis rumah, still ALIVE coz there are many who lost their father or mother and for some maybe BOTH. Memang tak dinafikan dengan nafsu yang sembilan itu semua benda boleh buat kita rambang mata tambah lagi baju ropol-ropol warne merah jambu plus shawl warna warni. Tapi berpada-padalah.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start feeling sorry for those in Japan, for those living in 3rd world countries,for those beggars around Malaysia, for those people who are going or had gone through the roughness of the world. They deserved it much more that you as many had taste the pain and lick the touch of hell in this world. Now while you are reading my entry you should be thankful you have lappy, you have wifi meaning you at least have a roof over your head.. while other maybe doesn't even know what is these things.

Yes, entri ini peringatan untuk aku sendiri. Aku pun macam korang juga perempuan sekalian, pantang tengok perempuan cantik bergaya jalan kat depan ai mulalah ai nak baju macam dia, nak aksesori macam dia, ai nak pakai shawl loceng belit-belit macam dia.  Hormon tak bersyukur dengan apa yang ada tu memancut-mancut if dia tu ai jumpa kat Starbuck hirup hot latte tengah tekan-tekan Ipad sambil picit-picit Samsung Galaxy Pro. Ai tak jealous pun, cuma..cuma..


D, sila bersyukur selagi bernyawa.
# mengamuk bila parents tak mau kasik guna Android.


bujal X said...

haptudet adalah satu anutan baru.kamu harus faham~~jangan ditegur penganutnya,diorang gunapakai "duitku sukahatiku~" hihi~~

Danish. said...

yea. itu kenyataan yg tak dapat disangkal. aku overreacting~

Sang Gabriel said...

kalaulah semua perempuan berfikiran seperti aku, mesti stor gucci zara whatsoever tu tutup kat malaya

cath said...

aku yg kena dapatkan semua yg tertulis kt atas tu dgn usaha sendiri mengakui~ konsep "duitku sukahatiku"

Amalia Auni said...

dah nafsu pun 9
mcm ni la jdnya...

x dinafikan, ak pon cm ni kdng2..

ak terasa ok.

k bai.

Unknown said...

aku rasa...itu mesti budak baru akhil baligh kan. -.-"

Danish. said...

@eiffel : yeah. hadoi.

Anonymous said...

okey. terase..

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